Tuesday, September 7, 2010

And I hate writing....

Just a few quotes I've written when the right side of my brain decided to kick in:

You expend much of your life trying to define who you are that you lose track of who that truly is. Let your heart be your guide; for it is only through the heart that the real you can be found.

Losing someone hurts and it may not get much easier over time. That’s life. But, the great thing about life is that you control your own. You can live your life wishing your heart was whole or you can be thankful that you had someone in your life that was special enough to take a piece of it with them.

Don’t spend your days afraid of what may happen. The most life changing experiences are those that are unforeseen. There is no greater accomplishment than finding you have the strength within yourself to overcome the unexpected.

As life goes on, so must you. The past will always be held within your heart. Cherish the memories but don’t let them stop you from making new ones.

Take your life into your own hands. God gave us two hands so we wouldn’t have to count on have someone else’s to hold.

You can sit back and wonder what life would be like if things had been different or you can take what you have and look ahead to what life can be.

Nothing is ever truly gone. It may not be right in front of you but if you close your eyes it will always be there.

What's manageable for one person may be overwhelming for another. Never judge a person on how they get through something because the only thing that matters is that they get through it.

Sometimes you need to just sit back and realize how lucky you are to be alive. If you focus on the little moments that hurt you, you will never be able to cherish the little moments that mean the most. For it is the most seemingly insignificant moments that change everything, and make you the person you are.

You have the rest of your life to spend with the person you love, but when it's true love - the rest of your life is not nearly long enough.

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. We fall down so we can learn how to get back up. We get hurt so we can stay strong. Our hearts get broken so we can appreciate love. Our dreams fall through so we can find new ones. We are exposed to death so we can be grateful for life.

Every time you look up at the stars...remember that each one is shining for someone.